Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Parietal emissary foramina, located between middle third and posterior third of the parietal bone, are an important structure which the parietal emissary vein passes through. They act as the drainage passage of the brain, balancing the intracranial and extracranial pressure. They are one of the emissary foramina that is frequently neglected during brain surgery, massive bleeding can occur. The present study was conduted to observe morphological variations parietal foramen. Materials and Methods: The present study conducted with 96(192 sides) adult dry skull, Only dry neat skulls and parietal bones were included in study. We have used magnifying lens and probes to observe foramen and to check their patency. We observed number of foramina on each side and distance from sagittal suture. The data was presented as Mean±SD and were tabulated. Results: Single foramen on right side were 68(70.84%) skulls and left were 72(75%). Double foramen on right side were in 2(2.08%) skulls and left side were found in 3(3.12%). Triple foramen on right side were in 1(1.04%) skulls and left side were found in 2(2.08%). No foramen was found on right side were in 25(26.04%) skulls and left side were found in 19(19.80%). We have measured the distance from sagittal suture, on right side parietal foramen was found in 27 skulls in the range between 4.1 -6mm and left side in the same range found in 23 skulls. We found different other ranges also. Conclusion: This study results may be helpful in practice of neurosurgery, trauma care, anatomy and anthropology.