Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Backpain is not simply physical pain but also an emotional process. An unpleasant physical, emotional, and subjective sensation known as pain might indicate real or potential tissue damage (International Association of Pain). For a nurse the effect of low back pain includes manual handling of patients, such as moving and repositioning of the patient using their body strength. The study objectives are to assess the existing level of low back pain among the staff nurses in experimental group and control group. To assess the level of low back pain among the staff nurses after Acharya Technique. To compare the post-test scores between experimental group and control group. Method: Study was conducted by using quasi experimental research design. 60 samples were selected by using non- probability convenient sampling method. Established the content validity of the tool from 20 experts of different areas. Corrections were made as per the suggestion and the final tool was prepared. Standardized numerical pain scale was selected as the tool for assessing pain score which is universally accepted. The reliability co-efficient was done by using inter-rater method and ‘r’ was calculated by Karl Pearson formula and found that the tool was reliable as the ‘r’ value is 0.86.Result: Total mean score in control group was 5.4 and that of experimental group was 3.4 with p value 0.000758 which is significantly effective. Conclusion: The study generates the research hypothesis that there was significant difference in the low back pain among the experimental and control group. Researcher concluded that the Acharya Technique procedure was effective in reducing the level of low back pain among the staff nurses