ISSN : 2663-2187

Aloe Vera: A Systematic Review from the Perspectives of the Food Industries and Medicinal Applications

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Kumari Shabnam, Tara Chandra Ram, Mohd Ashaq
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.6.2024.8198-8215


The oldest and most well-known therapeutic plant is Aloe vera. It belongs to the Asphodelaceae subfamily of the Liliaceae. It is the oldest medicinal herb and has been utilised for therapeutic and vitality-boosting reasons since the Rigvedic period. It is applied in the treatment of burns, the healing of wounds, the prevention of various skin illnesses, digestive issues, sexual viability, and AIDS conditions. The plant includes 75 different active substances, including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, carbohydrates, lignin, amino acids, polysaccharides, glycoproteins, sterols, and anthraquinones or phenolic compounds. Aloin, a naturally occurring anthraquinone, is the major one found in aloe leaves. The most recent study on aloin's effects on a human breast cancer cell line was conducted in 2006 [A. Y. Esmat, C. Tomasetti]. Saponin are triterpenoid or steroid aglycone glycosides that can produce a soapy foam It possesses many different biological characteristics, such as antibacterial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulant, antioxidant, neuroprotective, antidiarrheal, antiulcerogenic, and antihepatotoxic activity. It contains 19 of the 20 amino acids required by human body. Aloe vera is being utilised as a liver tonic. Aloe vera is currently used by several pharmaceutical businesses to make tablets as well as topical medicines like ointments and gel preparations. It benefits several illnesses and health risks because of its bioactive active components. It contains antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Constipation and tooth plaque are both reduced. It treats psoriasis and eases arthritis symptoms. aloe vera is being used to treat a variety of illnesses, such as Alzheimer's disease, alopecia, congenital heart failure, glaucoma, haemorrhoids, hepatitis, sclerosis, and varicose veins are all conditions that can be used in therapeutically as an orally treatment. Synonyms: Aloe barbadensis Miller, Aloe vera Ghritkumari, Kumari.

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