Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Validating the Delaware School Climate Scale for senior secondary students in an Indian setting was the goal of this study. Originally, the scale was designed by George G. Bear. India's Punjab was the site of this investigation. A sample of 300 senior secondary pupils from various educational institutions was gathered. EFA and CFA led to the creation of two scale factors. At standardised norms, the values of the various estimations were significant. In Principal factor analysis the value of KMO is acceptable and p value is significant at .05. The estimations of various parameters were high at normalized standards. The value CMIN/DF, RMSEA, RFI, IFI, CFI and TLI were found to be acceptable according to the threshold values. The reliability of the tool in the Indian context was very good and acceptable. This scale was well adapted in the Indian context as all the estimates were found to be good acceptable. An intensive study on school climate in India is the need of the hour. By using this scale, we can study the variations and various trends in academic performance of students in Indian context and can help the policy makers and school administrators to solve the problems of the students.