ISSN : 2663-2187

Diagnostic Performance of IFAT, Blood and Lymph Node Culture and Rapid Tests in Canine Leishmaniasis and Their Association with Clinical Signs

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OuahibaZenad,Amel Benatallah, Sofiane Boudjellaba,Mohamed Zaouani, Nora Mimoune
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.16.2024.780-797


Canine leishmaniasis (CanL) is an important public health issue in the Mediterranean basin. This study aimed to enhance the diagnosis of CanL in Algeria and to assess its association with clinical manifestations. We evaluated the effectiveness of parasitological and immunological diagnostic methods in 109 dogs, both with and without clinical signs of Canl. The diagnostic methods assessed included the indirect Immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT), Immunochromatographic rapid test (RIM), lymph node culture (LNC), and blood culture (BC).The sensitivity and specificity of each technique were analyzed. The results indicated that IFAT had the highest proportion of positivity (15.6%), followed by RIM (11%) BC (7.3%)and LNC (6.4%). RIM, BC,and LNC exhibited high specificity (97.8%,100%, and100%, respectively), though their sensitivity varied:58.8% for RIM, 41.18% for LNC, and 64.71% for BC, compared to IFAT (the Gold Standard). The association between tests and clinical signs revealed that IFAT was to detect seropositive in dogs presenting a single clinical sign, skin lesions (4.4%) and altered general condition (100%), whereas other tests were negative. All four tests were positive for dogs with multiple clinical signs,with IFAT showing the highest proportion of positivity,followed by blood culture, LNCand RIM.The study results demonstrate variability in test characteristics across different clinical signs.

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