Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Background: Hypertension is a leading modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. Of more than 1.3 billion people with hypertension globally, 82% live in low- and middle-income countries, and India alone is home to an estimated 220 million people with hypertension. A number of factors increase Hypertension, including Obesity, Insulin resistance, High alcohol intake, High salt intake, Aging, sedentary lifestyle, stress, Low potassium intake and low calcium intake. This can lead to increase blood pressure levels and slow down our daily activities of our capacity. Objectives: The study's primary objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of Buteyko breathing technique and slow deep breathing technique along with Aerobic exercise on blood pressure and functional capacity among essential hypertensive subjects. Subjects and methods: 40 Subjects with Essential hypertension were selected for this study based on the selection criteria. Group A consisting of 20 subjects and they were treated with Buteyko breathing technique along with Aerobic exercise. Group B consisting of 20 subjects and they were treated with slow deep breathing along with Aerobic exercise. The objective and the aim of the study were clearly explained to the ethical committee of PPG COLLEGE OF PHYSIOTHERAPY and permission was obtained. Both the groups received intervention and the Aerobic exercise increases progressively for each 2 weeks, 6 days a week for 6 weeks. The pre and the post test score values on blood pressure and Functional capacity were measured by using Sphygmomanometer and Incremental Shuttle Walk test (ISWT) test and the values were recorded. Results: Thus, the resultant of the study shows that in paired‘t’ test, the obtained result was 2.093 greater than observed calculated probability. In unpaired‘t’ test post- post comparison results was 2.7, 2.1 in ISWT 9.1 greater than observed‘t’ value was 2.024. It showed that there was significant improvement on Blood pressure and Functional capacity. Eventually, alternate hypothesis is accepted. Conclusion: it concluded that Blood pressure readings and functional capacity among essential hypertensive patients after the application of Buteyko breathing technique along with Aerobic exercise for Group A and Slow Deep Breathing technique along with Aerobic exercise for Group B for a period of 6 months. But, Buteyko breathing is effective in reducing Blood pressure and improving Functional Capacity when it was compared with Group B. Clinical Implications: Buteyko breathing technique along with Aerobic reducing Blood pressure and improving Functional Capacity in essential hypertensive subjects.