Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
The current effort aimed to improve the permeability, solubility, and efficacy of curcumin against uropathogens by forming a gel based on nanoemulsion. Because the mixture was composed of natural, non-irritating, and pharmaceutically approved substances, it was safe to use and did not create sensitization. Chitosan, a natural polymer used to create the gel, was combined with natural gums such gum acacia and xanthan to create the formulation. The enhanced composition of the nanoemulsion gel was completed and described with success. The results of the experiments showed that at the 12-hour mark, the produced nanoemulsions and nanoemulsion gel released up to 86.87±2.18 and 76.94±1.93% of the medication, respectively. It was demonstrated that the nanoemulsion gel was more functional than pure medication. A noteworthy antibacterial activity was also observed in the nanoemulsion gel formulation (NEGF3) when four gramme negative uropathogenic bacteria were compared to nanoemulsion (NEF2) and pure curcumin. Therefore, compared to conventional formulations, the suggested Nanoemulsion-based gel offers a better potential for topical drug administration.