Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Background: Spasticity varies from a clinical symptom with no functional impact to a gross increase in tone interfering with mobility, transfers and personal care. There were very few literature mentioned about the effect of myofascial release on spasticity in hemiplegic stroke patients and it is generally believe that Myofascial release is used to relive tightness and pain and very few evidence show that myofascial release can be used to relive spasticity. Methodology: An experimental Pre – Post study was conducted on 36 stroke patients for 6 months of duration at tertiary care Hospital, Neuro OPD & Stroke center, Rahuri, with purposive sampling techniques. Both 20 to 70 years both males & females subacute & chronic all types first ever stroke patients, patients with increased tone in wrist flexors From 1to 1+ spasticity, who have normal cognitive function patients were included in study & sensory loss patients who have any other musculoskeletal deformity, cardiac vascular related conditions , patients on oral medication to release spasticity were excluded from the study. Result: The result showed that the myofascial release showed a significant clinical difference in pre and post assessment values.R2-R1 values of post treatment assessment(5.75 ± 5.162) compare to pre treatment assessment (10.75±5.079) got decreased it shows that myofascial release help to decrease or treat spasticity. Conclusion: Study suggested that the immediate effect of Myofacial Release techniques was effective to reduce the spasticity in wrist flexor muscles in stroke patients.