ISSN : 2663-2187

Impact of SGLT2 Inhibitors on Kidney Outcomes in Advanced Diabetic CKD: A Study at the Department of Nephrology, MMC Mardan

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Adnan Akhtar, Ahmad Shamim khan, Amjad Ali
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.6.2024.8057-8063


Background diabetic chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. SGLT2 inhibitors hold promise for reducing renal risk and progression in patients with diabetic CKD. Objectives The aim of this study was to assess the influence of SGLT2 inhibitors on kidney results in patients with end-stage diabetic CKD. Study design: A prospective cohort study. Place and duration of study: from Aug 2023 to October 2023 department of nephrology mmc mardan Methods the present prospective cohort study was conducted in diabetic CKD patients categorized at stage IV and V (stage III with persistently high ACR >300 mg/g) those referred by treating nephrologists for hemodialysis which were registered with Nephrology department MMC Mardan. Methods Data were collected when SGLT2 inhibitors are used and analyzed Demographics, baseline & subsequent kidney function data of all patients who received SGLT-2 in Habib Medical Centre. Results Patients had a mean age of 62.3 years (SD 8.5). The mean baseline eGFR was 25.4 mL/min/1.73 m², which improved to 28.l mL/mm[2] by the end of the study This had a p = 0.03, meaning that it was statistically significant change This raises the possibility that SGLT2 inhibitors can have a positive effect on renal function in advanced stages of diabetic CKD. Conclusion SGLT2 inhibitors significantly improved eGFR in advanced diabetic CKD patients at 6 months. These findings provide support for the utilization of SGLT2 inhibitors to treat end-stage diabetic CKD and require confirmation in larger studies.

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