ISSN : 2663-2187

Investigating The Genetic Factors That Contribute To Susceptibility To Gum Diseases.

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Saima Rashid, Madiha Rasheed, Erum Rashid Chaudhry , Nedal Iqbal, Adnan Bashir , Ayesha Ashraf
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.6.2024.8587-8593


Background: Periodontitis and its initial form, gingivitis, are widespread inflammatory diseases of the teeth’ surroundings. It is now understood that genetic susceptibility plays almost as large a role as specific environmental factors such as oral hygiene, or the smoking of cigarettes, when it comes to the risk of acquiring and the nature of these diseases. Objectives: To determine molecular map and additive gene score that defines the predisposition to gum diseases and their severity. Study design: a cross sectional study Duration and place of study. Department of oral dentistry watim dental college , rewat, Rawalpindi from 05-july 2022 to 05-july 2022 Methods: The present cross sectional study used 100 participants of which 50 were periodontitis patients and 50 were healthy individuals attending the dental OPD. Eye and saliva and blood samples were collected in a manner that there was no contamination by the normal body fluids. The mean age of population was therefore determined and PCR method used to identify the carriage of IL-1β, TNF-α, and MMP-9 gene polymorphisms. In accord with the survey method adopted for the study, data were analysed with the aid of SPSS software, mean value, standard deviation and p-values were computed to test the hypothesis and conclude on the degree of significance. A p-value< 0. 05 was used in analyzing the differences ans frequency distributions of genetic polymorphisms between the two groups.

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