Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
The article characterizes the extreme soil and climatic conditions of the Surkhandarya region, when during the period of formation and accumulation of the raw cotton harvest, daytime temperatures reach 500C or more and are accompanied by prolonged hot winds (3-5 days) and a lack of irrigation water. The article briefly describes the stages and results of breeding and seed research related to the development of the new variety ITPITI-101, which has been submitted for evaluation in the state test of the Republic of Uzbekistan since 2023. The ITPITI-101 variety is resistant to the above-mentioned abiotic environmental factors, has high productivity and yield rates of raw cotton. At the same time, the ITPITI-101 variety combines high early maturity in relation to the standard S-6524 variety, up to 10 days. It has a high fiber yield of +4.9%, and also has a high fiber quality at the level of the best varieties of world selection, while the staple length of the fiber in the new variety is 0.02 inches longer, the linear density is 2-7 m/tex less. The specific breaking length is 2.6 g.s/tex higher. Based on the analysis of the results of the research, the authors draw the following conclusions: - due to the fact that the new cotton variety ITPITI-101 is highly resistant to some abiotic environmental factors, as well as a complex of high values of the main economically valuable traits, it should be quickly tested, propagated and offered for introduction into production in the conditions of the south of Uzbekistan. ;- in order for the TX-101 variety to fully demonstrate its potential in terms of productivity and the rate of return of the entire raw cotton harvest, it is necessary to use the recommended elements of agricultural technology for its cultivation.