Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Background: WHO defines RMC as ‘the humane and dignified treatment of a childbearing woman throughout her pregnancy, birth and the period following child birth’. The present study aims to explore women’s percception of Respectful Maternity Care during their birthing experience. Methods: A descriptive analysis of women’s perception of Respectful Maternity Care in the 08 domains of Confidential Care, Dignified Care, Consented Care, Non Abandonment, Detention in facilities, Physical Abuse, Non Discrimination, Inappropriate demands was undertaken using a 24 item Perception scale. A total of 386 women who underwent vaginal birthing in the labor room of a tertiary care centre in urban Maharashtra participated in the study during the period May 2023 to Sep 2023. Results: Majority (61%) of the participants were primi-paras. When 350 of the participants underwent normal vaginal birthing, 36 underwent instrumental delivery. The domains of Detention in facility, Non Discrimination and Inappropriate demands ranked the highest in perception with scores of 4.93, 4.76 & 4.76 respectively. The lowest perception scores were seen in the domain of Dignified Care with a perception score of 3.06 followed by the domains of Non Abandonment & Confidential Care with scores of 3.41 & 3.70 respectively.