Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Volume 7 | Issue -2
Background: Diseases known as lifestyle diseases are those whose occurrence is based on people's everyday behaviors and arises from an improper interaction between people and their surroundings. A person's complete well-being, including their body, mind, sensory organs, etc., is referred to as swastha. The Ayurvedic daily routine, seasonal regimen, sadvritta eating requirements, rasayana, sleep regulations, and Brahmacharya all provide detailed descriptions of how to attain it. These are the core ideas of Ayurveda. Panchakarma is a useful treatment for chronic, metabolic, neurological, mental, and autoimmune disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The ideas behind Rasayana Dravyas are explained in detail in relation to its application in health promotion. Medication that improves a person's good attributes from their healthy components is referred to as Swasthya Oojaskar. Thus, by understanding the harmony between human and nature, adopting the best suitable regime is helpful to manage the lifestyle disorders.