ISSN : 2663-2187

    Research Article

  1. Quantum entanglement in theoretical physics as a new insight into cancer biology
    Sorush Niknamian, Spmayeh Zaminpira and Sprephanie Seneff
    2019; Volume - 1 , Issue -2 : Page: 1-12
    Pdf » doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.1.2.2019.1-12

  2. Variations of biomass and carbon contents in different traits and components of herbaceous species from tropical grassland
    Preeti Verma , R. Sagar, Hariom Verma , Abhishek Rai , Pratibha Chaturvedi , Prem Pratap Singh, Kuldeep Kumar and Sandeep Kumar Singh
    2019; Volume - 1 , Issue -2 : Page: 13-45
    Pdf » doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.1.2.2019.13-45

  3. Explaining the benefits of human genome patent
    Shahima Akter Topu
    2019; Volume - 1 , Issue -2 : Page: 46-50
    Pdf » doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.1.2.2019.46-50

  4. Genetic and environmental factors in skin color determination
    Callixte Yadufashije and Rebero Samuel
    2019; Volume - 1 , Issue -2 : Page: 51-54
    Pdf » doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.1.2.2019.51-54

  5. Dormancy and germination in two Australian native species (Acacia aneura and Rhodanthe floribunda)
    Paul Theophile Epee Misse
    2019; Volume - 1 , Issue -2 : Page: 55-59
    Pdf » doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.1.2.2019.55-59

  6. Analysis of certain biochemical indices on alloxan induced diabetic rats administered with protein isolated and purified from Vernonia amygdalina
    Ihimire I.G, Kayode E.A and Osagie V.E
    2019; Volume - 1 , Issue -2 : Page: 60-67
    Pdf » doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.1.2.2019.60-67

  7. Effects of Intervention on Reduction of Academic Backwardness of Rural School Students From Marathwada Region
    Gaikwad N. B, Shaikh R. M
    2019; Volume - 1 , Issue -2 : Page: 68-82
    Pdf » doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.1.2.2019.68-82